
Here are some of the photos that made Mrs A's top pick this week...

Week Six: This is our final week and there were no guidelines except... follow what we've talked about and find me something NEW!
What can I say? She knows she's a star this week...

Week Five: The wonders of photo editing
Unfortunately we are experiencing technical frustrations... but today we were looking at the effects we can add to enhance our colours. We played with the SATURATION of our colour photos. Here is a great example from Brayden:

And in our black and white photos we played with the CONTRAST:

Week Four Focus - BLACK AND WHITE
Some people have an amazing eye for imagining what a shot will look like in black and white - these students found some really interesting tonal pictures - well done! :-)
We also started experimenting with the Colour Wheel and these students turned on the sparkle to find some very cool colour shots:

Week Three Focus - MACRO
This week we weren't as lucky with the weather and the beautiful deep blue sky. However, these people still found something stunning to photograph. Great use of depth and the macro function. :-)

Mrs A's top pick, Week TWO - Avoiding the Centre