Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day One... Gloopy Goo!

Today was our first meeting for 2014.
We had "the usual suspects" from last year turn up, and will have a few new faces starting next week.
Our focus today was on Gloopy Goo. This very cool mixture has many names - Flubber, Goo, Oobleck, or Slime - but it's that very strange combination of cornflour and water which basically seems to ooze to its own tune. Our Goo was purple but you can make it any colour your heart desires!

Mrs A's recipe for Gloopy Goo:

Into a sandwich bag, put 1/4 cup cornflour, 1/8 cup water, and a few drops of food colouring. Smush, smush, smush!

We really enjoyed discussing whether the goo was solid or liquid, how to make it more solid or liquid, and what we expect things to look like or feel like or be able to do if they are solids or liquids. Hunter had a good point about the shape they make when they fall. Rosie would like to fill the swimming pool with Goo, and Laurence has volunteered to walk across it...
Then we talked about Philosophy - what it is and what it isn't. We related what we knew of philosophy to the questions we'd thought about for Goo today.


  1. Hello. Having a great time at gate so far keep up the great work mrs. A

  2. Well done Hunter, you officially placed the first comment! :-) Make sure you put us in your favourites bar.

  3. This all looks very exciting. Mrs Ivamy
