Wednesday 1 April 2015

What makes a leader great?

Last week we came across an interesting fact: Leaders gain trust by conforming. So today we looked more closely at Leadership. Some of the students had really great insights into this as they have recently been on a leadership course.
First we brainstormed the differences between being bossy and being a leader, jotting down our ideas on a Venn diagram.
Then we shared the traits of the best leaders.
We read together the book of "Yertle the Turtle" which is a story of how not to be a good leader, and the students were able to pick out exact examples of Yertle's mistakes, like his selfishness - the way he put his needs before any of the other turtles.
We ended the session with a suggestion: if you knew that Dr Seuss was writing a book about Hitler and his lack of thought for other humans in his quest for power, how would that change your view of the book?

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