Wednesday 26 March 2014

What is "success"?

It was a purely philosophical session today. Our group explored the theme of "success" - what is it, how can it be measured, how do you know if you are successful, is success finite, is success age related, what does success look like at my age?
There were many quotes that came out today -
Hunter's Gem "It's not where you're at, it's about how far you've come."
Aleks' Gem "Quality not quantity"
Some further questions to consider:
Is success about comparisons? Someone mentioned today that one of the ways we know we're successful is when we receive a certificate in assembly. If everyone received a certificate, would this still be a valid measure?
Is success about money? Can you say a rich person is more successful in their life than a poor person? What if they inherited their riches? Does that still make them successful?
Is success about being idolised? There are many different kinds of people idolised today - some are people you would rather NOT be like. Here is a tongue-in-cheek look at some teenage idols of the past... it's scary how many idols have wound up addicted to drugs or alcohol. I would question these people's lives as being "successful".
Is success the same for everyone? We read a book called The Troll which was a bit of light relief from the philosophical ponderings. We found that success for the Troll was quite different from success for the Pirates. And although in the end the Pirates got what they needed to be happy, it wasn't at all what they had been aiming for.

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