Thursday 10 April 2014


Is it ever okay to cheat in sport?
This was a really neat discussion inspired by the situation which Valerie Adams had to face at the London 2012 Olympics - Ostupchuck beat her to the shot put gold by cheating.
We read an article written by Matt Harvey, who is of the opinion that cheating is a part of all sports - otherwise referees would be out of a job.
This inspired a lively discussion about whether it is a sportsperson's duty to her/his teammates to make sure that s/he works every angle s/he possibly can in order to score points against the other team.

Interested in the top 10 Sporting Cheats of all time? Here's a good one. Here's another - this is a mainly American list, but provides some interesting viewing. Note of course that none of these athletes every got away with it long term.

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