Wednesday 11 June 2014

Pawel Kuczynski

Pawel Kuczynski is a prolific Polish artist. His satirical works can be found all over the internet. His art is usually a reflection of his social, ecological and political opinions.
We had a chance to look at a few of his paintings, and considered the messages he might be trying to convey.
Sam suggested that something terrible had happened to the man, and he was in a depressive state. Hunter helped us all to see that the wall, ladder and fire might all be metaphorical items, all representing something going on in the man's life or in his head. What an interesting (although sinister) discussion we were able to have!

For the picture above, we all wrote down our thoughts about what the artist's message might be, or we wrote a piece of creative fiction based on thoughts and feelings inspired by the work. Here is Isellah's "take" on the painting:

The glass had been up for years now, they insisted it was the safest option. But we all know they're lying, we all know they're killing the air, minute by minute, second by second. My husband had already died, his lungs too weak to consume the bleak air around the city. My children were forced to wear contraptions, like masks on their faces. Their eyes were already dead. The world is not kind to us, they choose what happens, we don't even get a say. They are the killers.

What fab inspiration for a novel! :-)
To see more of Pawel Kuczynski's work, click here. Just remember that many of his images will make you feel uncomfortable; I believe that is his intention.

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