Thursday 24 July 2014

Exploring the World...

Today we started our session with a think about Music Composers, Artists and Creative Writers. We thought about what it is that they do, and what they have in common. We decided that they all create - they make something new. They have their own ways of interpreting their world, and putting it out there in terms of music, art or stories. Aleks used the word "processing". We acknowledged that to put your work out there for all the critique takes courage, and that many adults are far too worried about what others might say in order to create. Young people are far more willing to take risks in this way.
We finished the session by creating some artwork using a merged background - no palette, just blobs of paint straight onto the card - and then painting a foreground ontop. For inspiration we watched the Khan Academy short video on Dynamism of a Soccer Player, which you can see again by clicking here.
Even though there were "no right or wrongs", it still took courage to have a go.

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