Wednesday 25 February 2015

Multiple Intelliences

This week we pooled our group: some students from last year's sessions, plus some new students.
Our topic today, Multiple Intelligences, is something that we've all been looking at in our respective classrooms, and we were able to bring together what we've already learned about Gardner's theory.
We talked about the strengths of each smart and also about where we think we fit into the theory. We noted that this is our "self image" and that the multiple intelligence quizzes are all based on this: our self awareness.
We touched on three different aspects of self: how we ARE, how we THINK we are (self image), and how we HOPE to be (self improvement).
Each student took three different Multiple Intelligence quizzes, and we talked about why it might be useful to take a test three different ways.
Here are the links to our quizzes:
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Each student then graphed the results, and we talked about how or why the results came out slightly differently in different surveys. We did notice however that in general the results were fairly similar, which is reassuring.
We were quickly running out of time before we got to pool our graphs, and began to touch on the big questions:
1. How do the results of a Multiple Intelligence quiz AID us?
2. How do the results of a Multiple Intelligence quiz LIMIT us?

Back next week with more interesting discussions from the Library at GD!

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