Wednesday 4 March 2015

Multiple Intelligences and Social Identity

Today we had a look at the graphs of our Multiple Intelligence quizzes. We talked about why we took three of them and averaged the results, and we talked about the dangers of seeing a test like this as a negative thing. We also talked about how the results are useless if we choose to skew them.
This video from the Khan Academy looks at Self Concept and Social Identity, and Kristy asked a good question about comparisons and whether they are a Good Thing or a Bad Thing. I think in the end it depends on attitude - we could use comparisons to increase our self esteem, or we could use them as a springboard to self motivation.

Self concept, self identity, and social identity:

We read together the book "Frederick" by Leo Lionni. Frederick is a field mouse who does not help his four brothers and sisters collect food stores for the long winter ahead. Instead he tells them that he is gathering the sun, words and colours so that it will keep them going.
The students immediately saw that Frederick had different smarts from the rest of his family. We discussed whether he should be judged negatively for this. It also raised questions about the nature of work, and whether all contributions to a joint goal should be rewarded in the same way. What would happen if all his family decided they were poets? What if they were all collectors? Danielle mentioned that the book is about diversity.
I introduced the students very briefly to the concept of Socialism, its aims and ideals.

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